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Donate Bingwa Magazines to Schools

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Bingwa magazineDonation for Bingwa Magazine

BINGWA (Champion) Magazine is an informative, interactive and inspiring children’s publication aimed at fighting corruption by building the character of African children.
The magazine nurtures its readers into champions who value integrity with the long-term goal of fighting corruption and eradicating poverty. A source of information, advice and fun, the integrity message is passed across in an easy, conversational and appealing format.

Targeted at upper-primary school students (aged 10-13), Bingwa was first published in 2008 initially in 10,000 copies three times a year. From 2014, the magazine will be produced once a year in a much higher quantity, depending of the support we get, to coincide with the “Day of the African Child” on June 16. The magazine, distributed free to primary schools in Africa, beginning with Kenya and Uganda, is the first of its kind. Our future goal is to publish over one million copies to reach children all over Africa. The record shows that each Bingwa magazine is read by over 100 children and has an extremely long shelf life.

VISION & MISSION: To guide, encourage and inspire the children of Africa to be champions of integrity in order to eradicate corruption.

Read more about BINGWA here

Here is how you can help

Donate 10 BINGWA Magazines to a School
One subscription costs 20 Euros, which includes 10 magazines being produced, printed and delivered to a school. Each BINGWA magazine is read by approximately 100 children, which means you help about 1,000 children increase their learning on how to have Honesty and Integrity in order to fight corruption. BINGWA will also teach the children how to think positive, be creative, learn problem solving, how to get self-confidence, assertiveness, general personal development, self-discipline, tips for personal hygiene and other important matters.

Choose how many schools you want to donate Bingwa to from the listbox below. You make a huge difference for many African children by donating the BINGWA magazine to just one school. Please spread the words to your friends about it, so the impact can be even bigger. Child Africa believe that the best way to fight corruption in Africa is by building Integrity in African children. Nothing is killing more children than corruption in Africa and we need YOUR help to stop it.

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